The Power of the Personal

Louise Nealon


January 15, 2020

Coming from a country of storytellers I have always believed in the power of a personal story to build relationships, create connections and enable true understanding.

While B2C communicators have long embraced this strategy, many B2B organisations are still uncomfortable leaving the safe confines of approved corporate ‘brand’ messages and focusing on the personal as a means to engage clients, peers and their wider communities.

However, all communications research in this field points to a continuing trend in this direction. Along with big data and blockchain technology, emotional intelligence is a leading trend for B2B communicators in a world that is becoming more digitalised, with an increasing amount of information channels and users as publishers, and where our consumer and business behaviour are increasingly blurred with the communications channels we choose to use.

As sophisticated technologies give us power and abilities beyond where we can even imagine now including improved intelligence, strength and awareness – the need to make a personal connection that breaks through the digital world will be critical for success.

If we look at where futurists expect communications to be in 2045, emotional intelligence will be key to all audiences who will operate at a ‘transhuman’ level – so we need to constantly upgrade our mindsets, tools and speed in line with this evolution.

Louise Nealon

About Louise Nealon

Award-winning Communications Director, Louise Nealon, helps purpose-led organisations and minority groups that support humanity, to be visible and heard – in order to create positive change in the world.

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